N I N A K U O - exhibit: "Occupy Canvas" Paintings ,Chelsea , NYC with feminist, Howardena Pindell who curated her in early shows. They speak on Art & common theories.
N I N A K U O presents "Artquakes" Solo Gallery show, N Y paintings & murals created to reveal the Pop colors of dots to form revealing fantasy views for strong emotion for Asian futuristic themes .
Concubine Ladies' Gems, painting and video installation. This women's statement makes
tradition shine for we aren't tied to our Past.
Nina Kuo creates Artwork about fictional and conscious historical references with an individual modern language in her expressions. Methods of painting, sculpture, multi-media and montage have long-lasting experimental effects as she branches out in Art installation, animation, videos and book design. She witnesses and reveals discoveries of global and feminist realities while taking risks in interpreting newer Art idioms.
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